TURBO newsletter 4
- SGRE progress on the infusion of half shell wind turbine blade cross sections
- ARDITEC Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis of TURBO impacts
- Predictions of the cure shrinkage in blade fabrication and modelling of cure-induced wrinkles from DTU-W
- Defect detection in wind turbine blade coatings using machine learning at UPV.
TURBO newsletter 3
- Microscale model for prediction of local flow behaviour at DTU Construct
- DTU Electro development of a novel supercontinuum laser for MIR OCT
- NCC work on small-scale infusion trials for simulation validation
- Other NCC research on thermography inspection of thick GFRP laminates.
TURBO newsletter 2
- TURBO booth at AMI Wind Turbine Blades event (Dec-2023)
- ESI progress on infusion process monitoring and simulation
- An overview of ARDITEC work on sustainability assessment
- Initial results on wireless monitoring development at CPI
- NEW TURBO LinkedIn group!
TURBO newsletter 1
- A look ahead to the annual meeting in Risø, held alongside a key
conference in wind turbine technology - Resin selection for the TURBO project at DTU Wind
- Development of mid-IR OCT for NDT in TURBO at NORBLIS
- TURBO cure sensor technology from Synthesites
- Mid-IR source development for OCT at DTU Elektro.